Triggers with tag "Hi-Lo"

  • Laying on Card 11 and backing on every other selection
    In the first round of each game place a lay bet on selection "Card 11" and in the same time a back bet of the same size on selection "Card 1 or further".
  • Laying on Card 11 after it has won a certain number of games
    In this example it needs to win 10 times in 100 games. Then it starts laying on Card 11 until it has won 3 times within 10 games.
  • Fast loss recovery in cycles
    Lay on "2 Card run" in HiLo in the first round.
  • Back on 'Card 11' in the first round, then either green up or distribute the loss equally.
    In the first round of each HiLo game back on the "Card 11".
  • Back on Card 1 in three games in a row, after it lost in 3 consecutive games.
    Back on "Card 1 or further" in the first round, three times in a row, after the selection has lost three consecutive games.
  • Gamble responsibly! Always be aware that betting is NOT risk-free. You must be 18+ years old before you try gambling, but even as an adult, withhold from spending money in an ill-judged manner. Our company does not encourage you to prefer gambling over other meaningful activities. If gambling is affecting your life or the lives of people close to you, please contact GamCare
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